
2008 全球藝術交換活動


    阿諾自2004年在台南市社區大學接觸繪畫,這項活動讓我領悟:原來我的作品除了自己欣賞之外,還可以與國際接軌,可以為台灣發聲。經由基金會隨機配對,我的藝術品交換對象為美國的FRAN CLEM於是,選一幅彩繪面具作品命名為『五彩繽紛的島嶼』寄去與FRAN CLEM交換。台灣不只有綠色和藍色,台灣很美、蘊含好多繽紛的色彩。

“ Colorful Island “ 


Dear Friend :

    Taiwan is a little and beautiful island located by the west of the Pacific Ocean . It`s unable to observe where the aborigines of Taiwan came from or how long they have lived on the island. There are many different fables about their ancestors between the aboriginal tribes, but the fables have the same thing that Taiwan had been flooded and almost people were dead, and then the survival few people tried to rebuild their home and learned how to esteem the nature and each other. They create the Formosa . Now there are more than twenty-three million people live in Taiwan .

    I was born in Burma and immigrated to Taiwan in 1969. My husband is a Taiwanese and we have three daughters. We usually go hiking and camping around the mountains in Taiwan during vacation. We are all interested in the old fables and enjoy the nature. The landscape of the wild is wonderful. I consult the images of the wild to paint the mask and name it “ Colorful Island “. There are contained many different dialect and custom in Taiwan . There are contained many different cultures around the world. We are like a big family. Send you a big blessing. 





Although the finger is not as long as each other, it is special. I do not want to lose anyone of them. 





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